Sunday, November 7, 2010

Regarding avail Basmalah

Tafseer Basmalah
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al 'Uthaymeen said: "its interpretation is: Truly a man asks for help with an intermediary for all of God's name. We say: is meant is any name that God has. We conclude that the expression isim (name) in the form of simplex (single) and mudhaf (resting), then the general meaning. A person who read basmalah bertawassul to Allah Ta'ala by stating the nature of mercy. Because of the nature of mercy will help man to do his deeds. And people who read basmalah want to ask for help with intermediaries the names of God to facilitate the charity-charity. "(Shifatush Shalah, p.. 64).
Starting Qur'aan Basmalah
Writing the Qur'an begins with basmalah. It has been confirmed not only by a scholar, among them is Al Qurthubyyarhamuhullah in its interpretation. He mentioned that the companions radi 'anhum basmalah have agreed to make written as a paragraph beginning in the Qur'an, this is their agreement that a permanent-may Allah be pleased with them-and Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar yarhamuhullah similar statement also mentioned in Fath Baari ( Ad Dalaa'il Wal Isyaaraat 'ala Kasyfi Syubuhaat, p.. 9).
Example of the Prophet
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam when writing a letter to start with bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim (see Sahih Bukhari, 4 / 402 ul Jihad Chapter Du'a of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam wa Nubuwah ilal Islam wa 'an laa Yattakhidza Ba'dhuhum Ba'dhan Arbaaban wa min duunillaah Maa ta'ala Qauluhu kaana libasyarin 'an yu'tiyahullaahu' ilman ila akhiril father, Fath Bari 6 / 109 see details about this in the Zaadul Ma'aad FII Hadyi Khairil 'works of Ibn al-Qayyim Ibaad 3/688-696, he told correspondence of the Prophet to the kings and so forth (Syarh Book Kasyfu Syubuhaat Shaykh Salih Al-Fauzan, p.. 17). In the book of Imam Bukhari mentions Bad'ul Wahyi hadith:"Bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim min Muhammadin 'Abdillah wa ila Rasuulihi Hiraqla' Azhiimir Rum ... "(Sahih Bukhari no. 7, Saheeh Muslim, no. 1773 from the hadeeth of Ibn 'Abbas radhiyallahu'anhuma, see Hushuulul Ma'muul, p.. 9, see also Ad Dalaa'il Wal Isyaaraat' ala Kasyfi Syubuhaat, p. 9.) .
Hadith About Primacy Basmalah
Sheikh Abdullah bin Salih Al-Fauzan said: "As for the hadiths qauliyah about basmalah problems, such as the hadith, 'Kullu Amrin dzii baalin laa yubda'u fiihi bibismillaahi fahuwa abtar." these hadiths is the hadeeth which is weakened by the scholars. "Hadeeth was issued by Al Khathib in Al-Jami '(2 / 69, 70), As Subki in Thabaqaat Syafi'iyah Al Kubra,Prolegomena p.. 12 of the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu, but it is a hadith hadith dha'ifun jiddan (very weak) because he is one of the history of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Imran, known as Ibn al-Jundi calls. Al Khathib says in his chronicle (5 / 77): 'This man is attenuated and there is a history-history in his mahdzab reproach. " That is: because it tends to the Shiite doctrine. Ibn 'Iraq said in Tanziihusy Sharia Al Marfuu'ah (1 / 33):' He is a Shiite followers. Ibn Jawzi accused him of forging hadith. " This hadith has also been declared weak by al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar rahimahullah as quoted in Futuhaat Rabbaniyah (3 / 290) please check Hushuulul Ma'muul, p.. 9). As for the hadith: 'Kullu Amrin laa yubda'u fiihi bibismillaahiirahmaanirrahiim fahuwa ajdzam' is dha'if hadith, Shaykh Al-Albani didha'ifkan in Dha'iful Jaami '4217(see footnote Tafsir Al-Quran Al' Azhim tahqiq Hani Al Hajj, 1 / 24).
Starting with the Basmalah Wisdom
Wisdom is stored in the initiate actions with bismillahirrahmaanirraahiim is in search of blessings by reading it. Since this utterance is a sentence that blessed, so if mentioned at the beginning of the book or in the early minutes then it will bring blessings to him. Also inside there are also requests for help to Allah ta'ala (see Syarh Book Kasyfu Syubuhaat Shaykh Salih Al-Fauzan, p.. 17). Also basmalah including praise and remembrance of the most glorious (see Taudhihaat Al Kasdalamyifaat, p.. 48).
Is Basmalah Including Al Fatihah?
Shaykh Al 'Uthaymeen said: "In this issue there is a difference of opinion among the scholars. There are among those who believe he is including the verse of Al Fatihah and read aloud in prayer jahriyah (hard to read by the priest) and they looked at each other unauthorized person who prays without reading basmalah because he included a letter Al Fatihah.And there are also among those who argued that he was not part of al Fatihah, but a separate paragraph in the Qur'aan. This is the correct opinion. The evidence is the texts and the context of the content of the letter. "Then he details the reasons he (See Tafseer Juz 'Amma, p. 9. Darul cet Pole' Ilmiyah).
Prayer Without Reading Sahkah Basmalah?
From Anas radi 'anhu: The Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam, Abu Bakr and Umar started the prayer with the reading Praise Rabbil 'aalamiin (Agreed upon). Muslim added: They all do not read bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim in early reading and in the end. While the history of Ahmad, and Ibn Khuzaimah Nasa'i Anas said: They all do not hardenbismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim readings. On the other history in Saheeh Ibn Khuzaymah with the words: They all read it with sirr (slow)
Among faidah that can be gleaned from the above hadith is:
  1. The procedure of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and the khulafa'ur Rasyidin open reading prayers withPraise rabbil' aalamiin.
  2. This hadeeth indicates that basmalah not including the initial part of surat Al-Fatihah. Therefore not obliged to read it in conjunction with this letter. However, the law read only sunnah as the separator between the letters, although in this case there are disagreements scholars.
The priests are four different opinions about the law read basmalah:
  1. Imam Abu Hanifa, Shafi'i and Ahmad believes that reading ordered in prayer.
  2. Imam Malik believes that reading is not ordered to read in the obligatory prayers, either quietly or loudly.
Then the third Imam (Abu Hanifa, Shafi'i and Ahmad) disagree about the law read:
  1. Imam Abu Hanifah and Ahmad believes reading is the sunnah is not mandatory because basmalah not part of Al-Fatihah.
  2. Imam Shafi'i believes reading is mandatory.
    (See Taudhihul Ahkaam, 1/413-414 cet. Dar Ibn al-Haytham)
Hardened Basmalah in Jahriyah Prayers
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen was asked: Does the law menjahrkan (harden readings) basmalah? He said: "The opinion is a much stronger reading basmalah harden it should not be done and the Sunnah is lowered because he was not a part of surat Al-Fatihah. But if there are people who sometimes read them aloud why it is not. Even some scholars who argue that there should indeed be hardened at times because of a history that tells the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never mengeraskannya (Narrated by Al Iftitah Nasa'i in Chapter Qiro'atu bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim (904), Ibn Hibbaan 1788, Ibn Khuzaimah 499, Daruquthni 1 / 305, Bayhaqi 2 / 46, 58) but which clearly proved the validity of hadith explains that he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam used to not hardened (based on the hadith of Anas bin Malik radi' anhu: I never prayed behind a congregation Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, behind Abu Bakr, Umar behind and no one among them who broadcast readings bismillahirrahmanirrahiim (Narrated by Muslim in the Book ofPrayer Chapter Hujjatu man Qoola la bil yajharu basmalah (399)) However if the case menjahrkannya someone in order to soften the hearts of a nation who believes jahr I hope it's not why. "(Fataawa Arkanil Islam, p.. 316-317)
Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdurrahman Al Bassaam said: "Shaykh al-Islam said: Continuous reading harden (basmalah) is heretical and contrary to the sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. And hadiths that define the hard way in reading it all is false. "(Taudhihul Ahkaam, 1 / 414) Imam Ibn Kathir says:" ... the scholars who agreed to declare invalid  harden basmalah or lower reading ... "(Tafsir al-Qur 'an Al' Azhim, 1 / 22).
Author: Abu Mushlih Ari Wahyudi

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